Short-term behavioural changes can be incentivised whilst creating sustainable organisational change can sometimes feel like an elusive reality. For many organisations, change is discussed when a monthly objective isn't met, or a particular problem presents itself. In these circumstances, we often find that fundamental changes aren’t required and an understanding of how to adapt, absorb and overcome immediate operational challenges is really the key objective.
Where we do identify that organisational change is a necessity, we’ll help you clearly define your motivations to change through discovery and dialogue and we’ll help you to identify a clear strategy for your change programme based on the intended and desired outcomes.
Together we’ll also consider the organisation's capacity to cope with change (usually finite) and other initiatives that are currently underway. The strategy we agree on must ensure that the intended and desired outcomes are consistent with other initiatives to ensure that those affected by the changes receive an undivided message that is aligned with the organisation's core values and beliefs.
We will also discuss with you a blended approach of leadership coaching and consultancy to support the recommended organisational changes.