
Her Majesty's Prison & Probation Services (an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice)

In reviewing the reoffending statistics from July to September 2019 we can see that adults released from custodial sentences of less than 12 months had a statistically proven reoffending rate of 59.7%. Those released from sentences of less than or equal to 6 months had a proven reoffending rate of 62.0% and the greater number of previous offences someone has, then the more likely they were to re-offend in the future.

Working with the education and physical education departments at Bristol Prison we introduced weekly activity sessions which included a variety of focuses such as ethical dilemmas in order to support reoffending reduction. We also worked with them to introduce and launch the first Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme in order to combine an evidenced, tangible outcome to the sessions.

Abstrakt Consultency