We have a responsible approach to our profession and work closely with a number of influential bodies. 

UK Spa Association

Formed in 2013 after merging the Spa Business Association and the British International Spa Association. As a UK Spa Association member we contribute to:

  • - Providing lasting health and wellbeing benefits.
  • - Sector standards, accreditation and professionalism.
  • - Education and training across all levels of operation


The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK. BASES mission is to drive excellence in sport and exercise sciences through the promotion of evidence-based practice and the development and enhancement of professional and ethical standards.

Federation of Holistic Therapists

The Federation of Holistic Therapists is the largest and leading professional association for therapists in the UK and Ireland. Its members offer a broad range of specialisms; sports and remedial therapies, complementary healthcare and holistic treatments.

Royal Society of Medicine

The Royal Society of Medicine is one of the country's major providers of postgraduate medical education. Independent and apolitical, the Society provides a neutral platform for informed debate about important, often controversial, healthcare topics.

Abstrakt Consultency